WOW! I can't believe how long it has been since I have updated our blog. I guess time got away from us. So...I will do my best to catch you up on our happenin's over the past two-YES two months!!!
First of all...BYU vs Air Force Game in Colorado Springs!

We all went to the game. Brian's two brothers flew in from California to go with us, and we took our friends boy, Jacob, with us. Even though it was a bit cold, we had a great time!!! BYU won of course so that made it better. Of course we have much thicker blood than the California guys (who thought it was really cold here)!

Kennedy looks so cool with my sunglasses on! She really is a "mini-me"!!! Just blonde hair, blue eyed and way too cute!!!
Next we have....Thanksgiving in California!
After driving for 13.5 hours-STRAIGHT (and listening to Cooper say "Are we in Gramm Gruntion yet?"), we spent a few days in Hesperia, California with Grandma & Grandpa at their house. The kids loved jumping on the "little" tramp and playing games. We of course, just loved spending time with them and having great discussions. Brian ran the Hesperia Stake Turkey Trot (5K), on Thanksgiving morning, and placed 3rd! It was a bit rainy that day (who would have thought we would leave warmer weather in Colorado to have colder weather in California), but he won a nice water bottle anyways. Of course, I think he is the most amazing person I know!!! I am a bit partial though!!!
After that we all got ready and drove down to Carlsbad, California (by San Diego). It only took us about 3 hours to get there-Traffic stinks in California on a holiday.
Once we arrived, Tanner, Cooper and Kennedy went straight out to Uncle Russ's pool and backyard. They love it there! They enjoy playing games like "Ladderball, and ping pong", Swimming in the cold 65 degree pool and sitting in the hot tub. We all enjoyed playing lots of games together. Of course the food and eating was great too! I gained 4 lbs, but what is the fun of Thanksgiving if you can't enjoy it! And we all did that is for sure!!! Here are some pics of the kids hard at play!!!

Cooper on the boogie board-Look at his cute smile!

Tanner on the boogie board-

Kennedy and Tanner together-How cute!

Kennedy trying to catch a wave-Isn't she adorable?

Cooper surfing!

Cooper jumping off the "Rock"!

Tanner-A regular surfer dude!!!
Some of the things we did while in San Diego... We went to LaJolla Beach to see the seals. Check out how many there were:

The kids had fun playing on the beach-even though it was kinda cold! They don't care when it comes to water!!!

This is us going out on a big rock to get a family photo! The humidity was awful...My hair looks crazy!!!

Kennedy loved playing with her new cousin "Ryder" while the other kids played soccer and frisbee by the beach.

Kennedy taking her turn with the frisbee!

Cooper playing with the other cousins by the beach! What a great action pic!!!

Playing with the boys!!! Tanner and Cooper love sports-Anywhere!!!
We also went to the beach and "attempted" to play a little family beach volleyball. We had fun anyways-even if we weren't pro's yet!

All my wonderful BOYS! I love them all so much!

Super beach pose-Brian thinks he will be famous-I hope-Chaching!!!

Kennedy just wanted to play at the park, by the beach, instead of volleyball with the rest of the clan!

Come on, I know you are jealous of the muscles!
After all of that, we went to the cliff where hang gliders like to fly. That was pretty cool to see them take off right over the ocean. We got a great family photo with the hang gliders behind us. Again, the humidity was awful...I don't think I would survive long living in San Diego with all the moisture! But that is just me! I always love to visit though!!!

The kids wanted to hang glide, but it takes many, many hours of training and LOTS of money-both of which we didn't have! It was fun to watch though!

As you can see we had tons of fun while visiting the fam in Southern Cali. I think the highlight of the whole trip was taking the kids to In N Out Burger. It was their first time trying the ultimate burgers and wow-they loved them. Tanner ate 1.5 hamburgers, fries and a chocolate shake. Cooper ate 2 hamburgers, fries and a chocolate shake. And Kennedy...well, she ate 1 hamburger, fries and a shake.
After our weekend down in S.D. we went back up to Hesperia to listen to grandma and grandpa give wonderful talks in church. All the family was there that could be, so it was wonderful to get all the insight together. Then we had a wonderful dinner and the kids finished playing with all the cousins before heading back home. Here are some of the grandkids together. I think this will be a favorite photo!

Finally...We ventured home-Another 14 Hours! It is always great to visit, but great to get back to normal life too. We had a blast! Thank you to all who made the weekend GREAT!!!! We love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned...For the next update-Christmas!